Posted by : Elmo Bahtiar Rahman Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Things We Know about Windows 8
1. Windows 8 merupakan OS terbaru Microsoft dan juga diketahui sebagai Windows vNext.
2. Windows 8 akan memasuki tahap RTM pada tahun 2012
3. Windows 8 juga mensupport Tablet PCs Seperti Android
4. Microsoft menambah tombol "Up" di windows Explorer setelah menerima banyak komplain dari pengguna vista dan 7
5. Windows 8 akan terintegrasi ID windows live dgn OS windows 8.
6. Windows 8 mengganti tema Windows Basic dengan tema "Aero Lite" untuk spesifikasi rendah. Dan tidak menghilangkan fitur aero seperti Flip 3D
7. Windows 8 datang dengan browser Internet Explorer 10
8. Windows 8 memiliki fitur "system reset" yg berguna utk merestore OS seperti sedia kala
9. Windows 8 memiliki fitur "History Vault" yang berguna untuk membackup data ke Drive lain
10. Windows Explorer menggunakan interface Riboon UI seperti produk officenya. untuk mempermudah akses fitur sehingga tidak perlu report masuk settingan control panel lagi.
11. Windows 8 memiliki fitur "Aero Auto-Colorization" yang berguna untuk membuat warna aero match dengan wallpaper yang dipakai.
12. Windows 8 memiliki fitur "SmartScreen File Checking" yg berguna untuk memblacklist applikasi yang tidak ada signature yang jelas
13. Kamu dapat menjalankan windows 8 melalui Flash Disk dengan menggunakan "Portable Workspace"
14. Perubahan mencolok lainnya yaitu adanya "Start Screen" yang mirip dengan WP7.

• System Reset: Restores your computer back to its default settings.

• Aero Autocolorization: Changes DWM's colorization color based on the dominant color of your wallpaper.

• Ribbon Explorer: Brings options to the foreground to help you manage your files in a quick and easy to use fashion.

• Web Cam: Record yourself for videos and share them with friends.

• New Logon: When your computer is locked or you're logged out this new logon screen gives you useful information without having to logon. Great for tablets!

• New Task Manager: Let's face it, the task manager has been around for ages without having any major changes. Well now it does. With it's simple refreshing interface you can manage your tasks with ease.

• Immersive UI: For those who want to use Windows 8 on the go with your tablet, this new UI conforms to your needs. This UI is made specifically for tablets so there's no hassle trying to deal with small buttons and controls on the desktop UI.

• History Vault: Backup your important data and display backed up files and folders in a time line. You can backup locally or across the network.

• Pattern Logon: For those with tablets or those who are in environments where security isn't the highest priority, this new simpler and quicker logon replaces the tradition text-based password.

• Cloud Features: In today's world the cloud is a major part of our every day computing. From storing files, to running applications, everyday we use the cloud a little bit more. Windows 8 includes features to help you manage your cloud with features such as File Server Resource Manager and Setting Synchronization, Streaming Manager, and Click-to-run applications which allows programs to be ran while the program is still downloading.

• Hybrid Boot: Hybrid boot differs from the traditional boot process in which the computer goes into an advanced hibernated state instead of fully off.

• Portable Workspaces: This feature allows you to run Windows 8 from a USB storage device so you can run Windows from anywhere.

• Push Notifications: Instead of Windows reaching out to the cloud for notifications, notifications will be sent to Windows.

• SmartScreen: In today's world there are viruses and malware everywhere, but with SmartScreen Windows helps your computer from getting malware by blocking suspicious programs from running.

• PDF Reader: PDF files are one of the most used document formats. Windows includes and lightweight and simple PDF reader so you can access them instantly without having to download one beforehand.

• Software DWM: Great if you want the cleanliness and usefulness of Aero Windows on a device, computer, or a virtual computer that isn't compatible with Pixel Shader 2 or has a WDDM driver.

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